Barion Pixel

Imprint & Contact

Phone number:
Support: +36 (20) 770-5598
Complaints: +36 (20) 886 1309

Available on weekdays during working hours
from 10 AM to 4 PM

Our email address:

Hosting provider details

Gedeon Printing and Service Ltd.

Address: 2600 Vác, Zrínyi Street 9.
Phone: +36 (27) 501-655; +36 (30) 949-2490
Fax: (27) 501-656
Tax number: 29071522-2-13

Hosting Service

Service provider information

The name of the service provider: Wiredsign Inc.

The contact details of the service provider, the regularly used email address for communication with customers:

Phone number: +36 20 886 13 09 / +36 20 770 55 98
Tax number: 29277261-2-12
VAT number: HU29277261
Company registration number: 1210001683
Headquarters: 2643 Diósjenő, Dózsa György út 28./b
Mailing address:2600 Vác, Deákvári fasor 35. Fsz4.

Primary bank name: Cib Bank Ltd.
IBAN: HU39107003237355624651100005
Account number: 10700323-73556246-50000005

Name of the registering authority:
Nógrád County Government Office Rétság District Office